Perez always has had a passion for entertainment mediums such as movies, shows, books and most of all, video games. Through consuming lots of stories and getting to know lots of characters through the years, one may start to see those very stories and characters in situations and people you may know.

Traditional story telling and literature has many common patterns that arise throughout the ages in the form of tropes and archetypes. Using a more psychology focused lens, everyone is shaped by who they are from birth as well as through the experiences we counter on our day to day life.

Through his love of hearing new stories and getting to know new characters, Perez has come across many archetypes in the entertainment he consumed and many of them inspire new ideas or even bring about new changes for the better. This is what Perez seeks to explore and bring to light with his art.

Reality can be crushing for many, Perez included, and  fantasy and fiction serve as an escape for many, but it can be much more than that. To Perez, fantasy allows us to take a look into ourselves that may be too uncomfortable to do alone and inspire us to become better versions of ourselves.

Fantasy is not just restrained to the pages of a book or on a screen.
Fantasy is real and has lasting impact on who we are and who we will be in the future.
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